Monday, August 22, 2011

Starting Second Grade!

Today is Dorothy's first day of school and to say she was nervous is a huge understatement.  She is switching school since we are moving in 2 weeks and is not sure about all these huge changes we have coming up!  She will do great I know it because she is such a social butterfly!  All of her teachers always tell me how nice and sweet she is, and how she quickly becomes popular (but she is still nervous!)  Last night James gave all of the kids (and me) a Father's blessing, so I am certain she will do very well!  This year she helped pick out all of her school clothes and wanted to dress more like 'mommy' and less cutesie.  She is really growing up fast!
All dressed for school!

The hair-do she planned out (straight with a twist in front and bow)

The two year old that NEVER gets left out!!  This is her back to school outfit she picked out by herself and had to wear today too!

Hugging Dorothy goodbye!  (Notice Violet's new Dora backpack... she thinks she is starting school next week with Preston!)

Little sweet feet!!