Saturday, December 13, 2008

Danny Gans

So we went to see Danny Gans a few weeks ago. I did not know he had received Entertainer of the Year for the past 10 years before we went. His show would portray why. Some say the show is overdone as far as the advertising but I really thought it was great. He entertains the older crowd and the younger generations by touching base with all the BIGs throughout history. His show will make you laugh, cry, cheer, all at once. Avery and I had a great time trying to pick out all the voices. Seeings how we are pretty young, there were some we did not know but if you looked aroud the room, everyone above the age of 50 was smiling ear to ear.
I found this link of some of his voices that you can download for your personal voicemail boxes. Have a listen. He is pretty funny.