Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Ultrasound

Today we saw our baby for the first time! I have seen plenty of these black & white ultrasound photos and have always thought they all looked the same...until now. This one is the cutest one ever. Ok, ok so to everyone else it probably just looks like some big headed creature surrounded by some white stuff and a few blurry lines. But to me...ok it looks like an alien, a cute alien.
(Click on pic to make it bigger)

The balls could still be in there! They might not have dropped yet. We don't know for sure.

Ha Ha! The tongue is sticking out right there. Already has attitude. We know its a Watson!

These are the Poliak genes. Kidding Avery. You know you're sexy.

See how cute that little foot is. Ohhh!

Healthy nasal structure.

Look at those little hands.